λ back. λ 
Published on: March 20, 2024
i swear i’m actually back this time!! the last 2 months consisted of me just getting settled into the new semester mainly. not much of interest really happened besides my brain rotting away during the march break. just wikipedia doomscrolling, reading my entire bookshelf and playing music on repeat haha. also! mesaredux is shelfed… for a new bored entertainment site (name pending!!)
my life isn’t really exciting right now per se, but it’s 100% more stable than it was in october / november, that’s for sure.
that stupid geopol minecraft server (shout out to ccnet) has consumed so much of my free time it isn’t even funny. might take a mental health break or sm atp idek.
working on my webdev skills again, also getting more into writing so there’s that.
but yeah, pretty much what’s up with my life atm. tysm for reading.